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Blue Derby Wild


About Us

Blue Derby Wild is a volunteer based not for profit community group advocating for the protection of the forests of north east Tasmania as part of the North East Tasmania Gondwana National Park. 

We work collaboratively with all individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and researchers who share our passion for north east Tasmania and it's wild places.

Citizen Science Bioblitz

A Biotblitz is an event that focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. The Blue Derby Wild, Blue Tier Bioblitz focused on areas of threatened forests and glacial refugia ecology.

Blue Derby Wild will hold frequent small citizen science events to expand our understanding of the area, and conservation values.

Glacial Refugia

The north east face of the Blue Tier is the cradle of the forests of northern Tasmania. It's where Gondwana forests retreated during the last ice age, finding refuge from the ice sheets and repopulated the landscape as the glaciers retreated.

The rainforests and eucalyptus regnan trees of north east Tasmania are genetically distinct from the rainforest in the west of Tasmania, and Australia.

Gondwana Links

The Gondwana Rainforests are so-named because the fossil record indicates that when Gondwana existed, it was covered by rainforests containing some of the species living today. 


Protect ancient Gondwana forests

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