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David and Goliath Supreme Court trial starts Monday.

Updated: May 11, 2022


Our court action is of David and Goliath proportions with statewide outcomes. We are challenging the power of the Crown through taking government business enterprise Sustainable Timber Tasmania and the government regulatory agency the Forest Practices Authority (the defendants) to trial on their management of our publicly owned forests.

This week we have appeared every day in front of the judge with our full team of lawyers to sort out the complex and murky paperwork and procedures that both defendants use to log our forests. This means that our costs have continued to rise, which we have to find ourselves, while the costs of STT and FPA are paid for by the government - that is tax payers- also us.

We need you to help us get our case across the line, and we are putting it all on the line through our personal efforts to hold the government to account. Please support our Legal Fighting Fund to highlight the unlawful practices that drive the logging of Krushka’s, and all our native forests.

You can donate direct to the Blue Derby Wild Legal Fighting Fund via

Blue Derby Wild Legal Fighting Fund:

Bank Australia

BSB 313140

ACC: 1229 4120

Or, if you have a large donation you’d like a tax deduction get in touch with us.

We will keep you updated on how court proceeds on Monday, and maybe Tuesday, of next week.

For the forests,

Louise, and the Blue Derby Wild team

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